Go out? In this economy? -Edwin Madrid

ON THE HILL is the official Victory Congress intern blog. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of LGBTQ Victory Institute. Find out more about the internship at institutdelavictoire.org/vci.


With the program a little above its midpoint, I’m starting to look ahead; much like Gatsby gazes across the bay into the misty green light. This internship program has nothing to do with any other internship programs or opportunities I have participated in. Being someone who goes to a school that is a predominantly white institution, it’s hard to find a sense of community when the pool of Hispanic students is small and the pool of gay students is smaller. Being on Capitol Hill for only a few weeks, I’ve already felt a sense of community here when chatting with other LGBTQ+ caucus staff on the House and Senate side, spending time with others interns in my program and talking with other Hispanics. the Capitol people. As much as I want to get back to California just in time for Tamale season, I wish I had the same sense of community at my school and in my hometown. However, there are others who are in more difficult situations than me.

Last Tuesday was National Coming Out Day, a day that some celebrate but other members of the community may not fully embrace because they haven’t fully come out yet or for different reasons. Going out for me is something that seems unnecessary and traumatic. Why do I have to tell people about my sexuality? Why are straight relationships the default? These are some of the questions that non-straight people have thought about when faced with the idea of ​​coming out. Being from California, going out should be easy, but there is still uncertainty about going out. You don’t know how people will react, where you will go if you get kicked out of your home, if you will be discriminated against in the workplace, if your family will look at you the same way, and much more. For me, I’ve only dated a handful of times and just decided to stop dating after a certain point. When I applied for this program, I was even hesitant to accept this internship because it meant that it would be even easier to find out that I was gay. I’m just a person with my own experiences, some might agree with me and others might think that coming out is something necessary. Dating me is not something you have to do, but something that they or they want you to do.

However, I think there is power to come out. It takes a lot to be so vulnerable and transparent. I think coming out establishes our sexual and gender identities, serves as a marker that we are here on this earth doing what others can do, and breaking down barriers over time. Without the exit process, it would be as if we had never been there, there would be no trace of our existence. Additionally, going out allows us to create communities, like the Victory Congressional Internship program, where you can share experiences with others and confide in people who understand what you’ve been through on some level.

In a way, coming out can be a first step toward a new life, both metaphorically and literally. The weight on your shoulders lessens, you can breathe again, and you envision what may be now for your new life. In some ways it looks like a coming out scene in queer movies, but in other ways it isn’t. The process of coming out is different for everyone and takes time. This is not a mandatory step that you have to check off a list, it is an optional step that can be done if you think it is right for you on your journey. Whether or not you celebrated National Coming Out Day, I hope you find comfort in knowing that you are not alone and that there are others in the world like you.

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