PRISA Media presents its new organizational structure | Economy and business


PRISA Media continues to move forward on its new roadmap, and announced a new organization that will allow more agile and efficient management, based on digital transformation and the convergence of resources around seven transversal platforms: Commercial, Digital and Technology, Audio, Operations, Human Resources and Talent, Legal and Marketing, and Public.

The new structure has been reinforced by a new board of directors of PRISA Media, which will be chaired by the executive chairman, Carlos Nuñez, and will have a high number of women, which demonstrates the group’s commitment to promoting female talent. .

The committee will be made up of the heads of the seven transversal platforms: Marisa Manzano (Commercial), José Gutiérrez (Digital and technology), Vanessa Hernández (Operations), Marta Bretos (Human resources and talents), Javier Muñoz (Legal), María Jesús Espinosa de los Monteros (Audio) and the new Head of Marketing and Audiences, who has not yet been appointed. With them will be the head of the office of the president of the group, Pilar Gil.

Sales directors in Spain and America will also be present: Ignacio Soto (CEO of La SER, Los40 and Cadena Dial), Juan Cantón (CEO of EL PAÃS, As, Cinco Dias and El HuffPost), Felipe Cabrales (CEO in Colombia), Francisco Cabañas (Mexico) and Ricardo Berdichesky (Chile).

Editors-in-Chief, Pepa Bueno (EL PAÃS), Montserrat Domínguez (Cadena SER) and Vicente Jiménez (As), will continue to focus on their content generation activities, and their work with the board will be coordinated through Carlos Nuñez.

The Executive President said that “PRISA Media has an exceptional team to manage the digital evolution of the group, combining youth and experience, internal and external talents and a strong commitment to the professional development of women within the organization.

“The purpose of this structure,†Núñez continued, “is to help us proactively align with our subscribers, readers, listeners and advertisers; maximize the value of our content and our audience; encourage interaction between brands; make our work culture more collaborative and agile, and support it with data to make it more efficient, aligning it to face the global market in Spanish. “

The seven platforms defined will be focused on the search for efficiencies and synergies, offering a service to all the brands of the group aimed at enabling them to focus solely and exclusively on the creation and distribution of content.


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